• Star Wars

    From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Nightfox on Thursday, February 24, 2022 20:51:48
    Re: Star Wars
    By: Nightfox to Andeddu on Thu Feb 24 2022 01:10 pm

    Re: Star Wars
    By: Andeddu to Nightfox on Thu Feb 24 2022 04:57 pm

    I don't remember Jabba the Hut ever appaering as human.. When did
    that happen?

    I have a recollection of watching the original 1977 movie and seeing a man portraying Jabba in the hanger scene with Han Solo. The scene was definitely updated with CGI in the 1997 re-release which I watched in the cinema.

    I had first seen the original movie long ago on TV when I was young, so it's been a while. I don't remember seeing that. Interesting.

    I've also wondered if the 'humans' in Star Wars were really supposed
    to be human. If it takes place a long time ago in a galaxy far away,
    what are the chances they'd be human? But there's a scene in Empire


    Star Wars wouldn't need to take place in a parallel universe (I've never actually thought of that). Star Wars takes place in a different galaxy, so

    when i was a kid i thought that starwars was before our time.
    sort of like what they did with battlestar galactica when it was reimagined.

    my brilliance was even showing at that young age.

    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Moondog on Thursday, February 24, 2022 20:52:48
    Re: TBOBF
    By: Moondog to MRO on Thu Feb 24 2022 12:17 pm

    i dont care about special effects. woooo! exploding thing in space.

    midi chlorians was a bad way to add a scientific approach to measuring the force. If it were up to me, I would've explained them as organisms that are attracted to use users rather than something that makes them. That ruined the concept that anyone can become a force user if they allowed it to flow through them by clearing their mind of other distractions.

    he could have made it into some brain advancement instead of bugs in the blood. and some people have more than others.

    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Arelor on Thursday, February 24, 2022 21:00:04
    Re: Star Wars
    By: Arelor to Nightfox on Thu Feb 24 2022 04:42 pm

    More information here:

    https://dirkdeklein.net/2018/02/17/that-time-jabba-the-hut-was-jabba-the-hum an/

    and really lucas changed his mind so much. this guy could have just been a stand in because lucas was hoping to use a puppet.
    it probably wasnt in the budget.

    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From the doctor@VERT/QBBSTEST to MOONDOG on Friday, February 25, 2022 12:03:00
    --- MOONDOG wrote ---
    midi chlorians was a bad way to add a scientific approach to measuring
    the force. If it were up to me, I would've explained them as organisms that are attracted to use users rather than something that makes them. That ruined the concept that anyone can become a force user if they allowed it to flow through them by clearing their mind of other distractions.

    The mistake is explaining it at all beyond what Yoda said in Empire.

    I don't know why kids today are so hung up on everything being explained...

    * TARDIS BBS - Home of QUARKware * telnet bbs.cortex-media.info
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to Andeddu on Friday, February 25, 2022 19:41:00
    Re: Star Wars
    By: Andeddu to Nightfox on Thu Feb 24 2022 04:57 pm

    Re: Star Wars
    By: Nightfox to Andeddu on Wed Feb 23 2022 01:03 pm

    I don't remember Jabba the Hut ever appaering as human.. When did that happen?

    I've also wondered if the 'humans' in Star Wars were really supposed to b human. If it takes place a long time ago in a galaxy far away, what are chances they'd be human? But there's a scene in Empire Strikes Back wher C-3PO refers to Luke Skylwalker (I think) as a human.. I wondered what t story was about how humans came from that galaxy to our galaxy.


    I have a recollection of watching the original 1977 movie and seeing a man portraying Jabba in the hanger scene with Han Solo. The scene was definitely updated with CGI in the 1997 re-release which I watched in the cinema.

    Earth, to my knowledge, is not a place that's noted in the galaxy maps in th Star Wars universe... I've always thought of it as an alternate universe or something rather than one parallel to ours.

    I forgot what it is called, but there is a phenomenon where people whave seen the outtake material at a leter time, but recall seeing it in the theatres. Since it was cut and abandoned, there was no possible way for it to have been released. A similar experiment was conducted where a group of people sat
    down as individuals and watched a staged even that was intended to look like security camera footage. There were several smaller story arcs going on with people in the parking lot, but the main event was an incident beween two drive rs fighting over a parking spot. The video is the constant or control, and the variable was ringer in the bunch that was seeding fake inofrmation or changing arounf vehicle colors or orders of the events. when interviewed alone, each person was asked what they saw, and some of them claimed they saw or noticed the smaller details the ringer introduced tot he story. When
    given a chance to view the video again, they would claim the video was edited.

    þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to Nightfox on Friday, February 25, 2022 19:54:00
    Re: Star Wars
    By: Nightfox to Andeddu on Thu Feb 24 2022 01:10 pm

    Re: Star Wars
    By: Andeddu to Nightfox on Thu Feb 24 2022 04:57 pm

    I don't remember Jabba the Hut ever appaering as human.. When did
    that happen?

    I have a recollection of watching the original 1977 movie and seeing a portraying Jabba in the hanger scene with Han Solo. The scene was definitely updated with CGI in the 1997 re-release which I watched in t cinema.

    I had first seen the original movie long ago on TV when I was young, so it's

    I've also wondered if the 'humans' in Star Wars were really supposed
    to be human. If it takes place a long time ago in a galaxy far away,
    what are the chances they'd be human? But there's a scene in Empire

    Earth, to my knowledge, is not a place that's noted in the galaxy maps the Star Wars universe... I've always thought of it as an alternate universe or something rather than one parallel to ours.

    Star Wars wouldn't need to take place in a parallel universe (I've never act at perhaps a group of humans in the Star Wars universe had possibly traveled


    Battlestar Galactica, the 1978 series especially took the more direct
    approach to the Chariot of the Gods concept mixed with Mormonism to imply humans on Earth were the space equivalent of the 13th tribe of Israelites
    that crossed the ocean rather than follow Moses. That may be where some of
    us older folk may think there was a relationship between Star Wars and
    humans of Earth.

    Glenn Larsen floated the idea of a BSG prequel that takes place during the Exodus from Kobol dealing primarily with the colony ship named Atlantia. It crashes in the ocean or a small island, and becomes the basis of a colony
    named Atlantis.

    þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to Nightfox on Friday, February 25, 2022 20:01:00
    Re: Star Wars
    By: Nightfox to Moondog on Thu Feb 24 2022 02:37 pm

    Re: Star Wars
    By: Moondog to Nightfox on Thu Feb 24 2022 12:12 pm

    When ANH was filmed, there is a scene that is filmed where Jabba is waiting o utside of Han's ship asking for his money. This was filmed wi a human actor playing Jabba as originally planned. This was cut from th original release, then put back in the digitally enhanced re-releases, except the CGI version of Jabba is overlayed on the actor. They also ha to edit when Ha n walks behind Jabba so it appears he steps on his tail rather than walk through the spot his tail should be.

    Ah, I remember hearing about that, and I remember seeing that scene with the


    Behind the scene footage was released on TV specials over the years and on
    box sets and the internet. Another scene that has become popular is when Luke
    goes to Tosche station and learns his buddy Biggs Darklighter had graduated Imperial Academy and is jumping a freighter to join the Rebellion. Two of Luke's friends, Cammy and Fixer are there and show up again in a scene on the Book of Boba Fett at Tosche station.

    þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to MRO on Friday, February 25, 2022 20:05:00
    Re: TBOBF
    By: MRO to Moondog on Thu Feb 24 2022 08:52 pm

    Re: TBOBF
    By: Moondog to MRO on Thu Feb 24 2022 12:17 pm

    i dont care about special effects. woooo! exploding thing in space. big

    midi chlorians was a bad way to add a scientific approach to measuring th force. If it were up to me, I would've explained them as organisms that attracted to use users rather than something that makes them. That ruine the concept that anyone can become a force user if they allowed it to flo through them by clearing their mind of other distractions.

    he could have made it into some brain advancement instead of bugs in the blo

    It played off more like a genetic attribute rather than side effect or
    residual though, claiming a person can devote their life to the force, and never become something because they lack a Midi count

    þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to the doctor on Friday, February 25, 2022 20:07:00
    Re: TBOBF
    By: the doctor to MOONDOG on Fri Feb 25 2022 12:03 pm

    --- MOONDOG wrote ---
    midi chlorians was a bad way to add a scientific approach to measuring
    the force. If it were up to me, I would've explained them as organisms th are attracted to use users rather than something that makes them. That ruined the concept that anyone can become a force user if they allowed it flow through them by clearing their mind of other distractions.

    The mistake is explaining it at all beyond what Yoda said in Empire.

    I don't know why kids today are so hung up on everything being explained...

    I also get the impression Lucas wanted something else other than "I have a feeling about this kid" to be a benchmark of whether Annikin should be
    drafted at such a late age.

    þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Moondog on Friday, February 25, 2022 20:45:06
    Re: Star Wars
    By: Moondog to Andeddu on Fri Feb 25 2022 07:41 pm

    I forgot what it is called, but there is a phenomenon where people whave seen the outtake material at a leter time, but recall seeing it in the theatres.

    digital man (rob)

    Synchronet "Real Fact" #72:
    Synchronet CIOXTRN (created by Deuce) is a 32-bit replacement for DOORWAY Norco, CA WX: 51.1øF, 42.0% humidity, 3 mph S wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Nightfox on Saturday, February 26, 2022 17:15:40
    Re: Star Wars
    By: Nightfox to Andeddu on Thu Feb 24 2022 01:10 pm

    Star Wars wouldn't need to take place in a parallel universe (I've never actually thought of that). Star Wars takes place in a different galaxy, so naturally, Earth wouldn't be on the galaxy maps. If they really are meant to be human, I was thinking that perhaps a group of humans in the Star Wars universe had possibly traveled to Earth and settled here.

    Could be. I have looked into it a little now that you've mentioned it and there is no information as to whether these humans seeded Earth... obviously if it did happen it would have happened far beyond the Star Wars timeline and known lore.

    þ Synchronet þ BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Nightfox on Saturday, February 26, 2022 17:19:01
    Re: Star Wars
    By: Nightfox to Moondog on Thu Feb 24 2022 02:37 pm

    Ah, I remember hearing about that, and I remember seeing that scene with the CGI Jabba when the edited versions were released. Somehow I thought someone was saying there was a released version that didn't have the CGI Jabba, showing Jabba as a human.

    I was saying that. I may have seen the outtake and conflated it with an old memory of the pre-1977 CGI enhanced version of Episode IV.

    þ Synchronet þ BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Arelor on Saturday, February 26, 2022 17:21:16
    Re: TBOBF
    By: Arelor to Andeddu on Thu Feb 24 2022 04:38 pm

    The Luke-Leia-Solo chemistry is just better than the ones the main characters in the prequel get (which is not saying much anyway).

    Characters and character development just work better in the originals even if the plot is simplistic adventure IMO.

    Agreed. I guess that is what made the OT so special. As much as I liked the prequel characters, I just couldn't anywhere near as good a connection with them. The Episode VII-IX characters I actively disliked.

    þ Synchronet þ BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to MRO on Saturday, February 26, 2022 17:25:02
    Re: Star Wars
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Thu Feb 24 2022 08:48 pm

    i think the deal is they had a human actor to play jabba but it was cut out. you may have seen another movie with this deleted scene removed.
    or it's a mandella effect thing.

    they cgi'd in a little jaba in the 90s which i found shitty.

    I must have saw the deleted scene and merged the memory with an early viewing of Episode IV. I guess Lucas must have created The Hutts after Episode IV was filmed to go back and delete that scene knowing that he'd later portray Jabba as a space slug.

    þ Synchronet þ BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to the doctor on Saturday, February 26, 2022 17:28:45
    Re: TBOBF
    By: the doctor to MOONDOG on Fri Feb 25 2022 12:03 pm

    The mistake is explaining it at all beyond what Yoda said in Empire.

    I don't know why kids today are so hung up on everything being explained...

    They almost retconned it in the Disney trilogy after speculation that Rey was a nobody with no special lineage. This was prior to Abrams deciding at the 11th hour that she'd be the grand-daughter of Emperor Palaptine.

    þ Synchronet þ BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Moondog on Saturday, February 26, 2022 17:39:27
    Re: Star Wars
    By: Moondog to Andeddu on Fri Feb 25 2022 07:41 pm

    I forgot what it is called, but there is a phenomenon where people whave seen the outtake material at a leter time, but recall seeing it in the theatres. Since it was cut and abandoned, there was no possible way for it to have been released. A similar experiment was conducted where a group of people sat
    down as individuals and watched a staged even that was intended to look like security camera footage. There were several smaller story arcs going on with people in the parking lot, but the main event was an incident beween two drive rs fighting over a parking spot. The video is the constant or control, and the variable was ringer in the bunch that was seeding fake inofrmation or changing arounf vehicle colors or orders of the events. when interviewed alone, each person was asked what they saw, and some of them claimed they saw or noticed the smaller details the ringer introduced tot he story. When
    given a chance to view the video again, they would claim the video was edited.

    Must have something to do with the way in which the brain orders information and stores it as memory. I have seen several similar experiments including ridiculous scenarios where the viewer sees a video of a group of 6 or so people throwing a ball around and are asked to count how many times the ball is passed. During the clip a man in a gorilla suit walks straight thorugh them all in clear sight. When asked about this detail, only around 10% of viewers picked up on the gorilla and many believed the video was edited when it was replayed back to them.

    þ Synchronet þ BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Andeddu on Friday, February 25, 2022 07:22:00
    Andeddu wrote to Nightfox <=-

    I have a recollection of watching the original 1977 movie and seeing a
    man portraying Jabba in the hanger scene with Han Solo. The scene was definitely updated with CGI in the 1997 re-release which I watched in
    the cinema.

    That never made it into the cinematic cut in 1977. It later appeared in the deleted scenes.

    Earth, to my knowledge, is not a place that's noted in the galaxy maps
    in the Star Wars universe... I've always thought of it as an alternate universe or something rather than one parallel to ours.

    I like Dune and Foundation, where the people are human, but have moved long past Earth - I think in the former they've forgotten where Earth was and in the latter, Earth was hit by a comet and later terraformed into a park.

    ... Always the first steps
    --- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ .: realitycheckbbs.org :: scientia potentia est :.
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Digital Man on Sunday, February 27, 2022 11:23:40
    Re: Star Wars
    By: Digital Man to Moondog on Fri Feb 25 2022 08:45 pm

    Re: Star Wars
    By: Moondog to Andeddu on Fri Feb 25 2022 07:41 pm

    I forgot what it is called, but there is a phenomenon where people whave seen the outtake material at a leter time, but recall seeing it in the theatres.

    digital man (rob)

    uh, i think you MEAN Mengele Effect.

    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From the doctor@VERT/QBBSTEST to ANDEDDU on Monday, February 28, 2022 15:47:00
    --- ANDEDDU wrote ---
    Re: TBOBF
    By: the doctor to MOONDOG on Fri Feb 25 2022 12:03

    They almost retconned it in the Disney trilogy after speculation that Rey was a nobody with no special lineage. This was prior to Abrams deciding at the 11th hour that she'd be the grand-daughter of Emperor Palaptine.

    Which was an attempt to wreck what I loved about The Last Jedi.

    I thought it should have a MOSFILM logo at the end. The revolution is for everybody.

    * TARDIS BBS - Home of QUARKware * telnet bbs.cortex-media.info
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Moondog on Friday, March 25, 2022 09:00:48
    On 2/1/22 08:29, Moondog wrote:

    Gina is back. Favreau has enough pull to bring her back.

    Will believe it when I actually see it on screen. Sorry for delayed
    reply, not on here nearly enough.
    Michael J. Ryan - tracker1@roughneckbbs.com
    þ Synchronet þ Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Moondog on Friday, March 25, 2022 09:07:23
    On 2/2/22 21:30, Moondog wrote:

    I attribute the change in Boba's character to be the result of facing death, then being "reborn" as part of a tribal social unit. In the flashbacks as a child, he would see Jango flying off, then later on filling his shoes (and costume) living a life on anger and brutality to others. He realizes his life before was empty, and learned from the Sand people he could be happy in a society with mutual earned trust and respect.

    I think that is/was the intention, however they really didn't show it
    well. This is a case where trying to do flashback jump cuts spliced in
    just doesn't work well for evolving the character... would have been
    better to just make the first 2-3 episodes serialized from coming out of
    the sarlac (sp) pit, through to the destruction of the sand people tribe
    he was with. Maybe intersperse that with flashbacks to his brutality
    and childhood.

    Then make the following 3-4 episodes in the "current" timeline of the inter-series setting. Also the mod-kids gang was just horrible... and
    the final battle was too constrained.
    Michael J. Ryan - tracker1@roughneckbbs.com
    þ Synchronet þ Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Andeddu on Friday, March 25, 2022 09:25:30
    On 2/22/22 15:50, Andeddu wrote:
    i think lucas drove starwars into the ground.

    Are you referring to the prequel trilogy? I thought it was better than
    the OT in terms of writing. Lucas was good because he used the Star
    Wars license sparingly compared to Disney who are just churning out
    show after show to see what sticks. They've ultimately devalued the franchise.

    I think that Clone Wars adds a lot of context to the prequels that add
    value to the series.. if you watch the first 6 in "machete" order, it
    flows a lot better. 7-9, may as well skip, the story telling is just
    bad... the visuals are cool, but it's just not Star Wars... Clone Wars
    and Rebels were far better... Resistance I just didn't care for, and I
    think they dropped the ball on The Bad Batch by infantalizing the kid
    too much, she was formidable in the first episode, then they
    figuratively neutered her. She should have just remained capable through
    the series, possibly even becoming a team leader, still flawed and inexperienced (not like they did with wesley crusher in stng).
    Michael J. Ryan - tracker1@roughneckbbs.com
    þ Synchronet þ Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Andeddu on Friday, March 25, 2022 09:33:10
    On 2/24/22 09:57, Andeddu wrote:

    I have a recollection of watching the original 1977 movie and seeing a man portraying Jabba in the hanger scene with Han Solo. The scene was definitely updated with CGI in the 1997 re-release which I watched in the cinema.

    It was cut from the original movie... the clip was definitely online
    pretty early in internet age. It was first added with the special
    effects remaster and a cgi character with DVD. the CGI for Jabba in
    episode 4 was done for each re-release (including online for Disney+).
    Michael J. Ryan - tracker1@roughneckbbs.com
    þ Synchronet þ Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Tracker1 on Friday, March 25, 2022 15:21:16
    Re: Re: What's Everyone Watch
    By: Tracker1 to Moondog on Fri Mar 25 2022 09:00 am

    On 2/1/22 08:29, Moondog wrote:

    Gina is back. Favreau has enough pull to bring her back.

    Will believe it when I actually see it on screen. Sorry for delayed
    reply, not on here nearly enough.

    for some reason the disney execs really hate her. what she said wasnt bad, but i think they told her to stop and she still did it.

    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to TRACKER1 on Saturday, March 26, 2022 10:42:00
    I think that Clone Wars adds a lot of context to the prequels that add
    value to the series.. if you watch the first 6 in "machete" order, it
    flows a lot better. 7-9, may as well skip, the story telling is just
    bad... the visuals are cool, but it's just not Star Wars... Clone Wars
    and Rebels were far better... Resistance I just didn't care for, and I
    think they dropped the ball on The Bad Batch by infantalizing the kid
    too much, she was formidable in the first episode, then they
    figuratively neutered her. She should have just remained capable through
    the series, possibly even becoming a team leader, still flawed and inexperienced (not like they did with wesley crusher in stng).

    The last time I binged Star Wars, I watched the first three, the Clone Wars movie, and then the original three plus #7. Sort of like the first three
    are not on par with the original 3, #7 was not on par with any of the first
    6 or Clone Wars.

    It did not motivate me enough to watch 8 or 9, although I did watch Solo.

    I still do want to see Rogue One.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Florida -- the Punshine State.

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to Dumas Walker on Sunday, March 27, 2022 01:16:00
    Re: Re: TBOBF
    By: Dumas Walker to TRACKER1 on Sat Mar 26 2022 10:42 am

    I think that Clone Wars adds a lot of context to the prequels that add value to the series.. if you watch the first 6 in "machete" order, it flows a lot better. 7-9, may as well skip, the story telling is just bad... the visuals are cool, but it's just not Star Wars... Clone Wars
    and Rebels were far better... Resistance I just didn't care for, and I think they dropped the ball on The Bad Batch by infantalizing the kid
    too much, she was formidable in the first episode, then they
    figuratively neutered her. She should have just remained capable through the series, possibly even becoming a team leader, still flawed and inexperienced (not like they did with wesley crusher in stng).

    The last time I binged Star Wars, I watched the first three, the Clone Wars movie, and then the original three plus #7. Sort of like the first three are not on par with the original 3, #7 was not on par with any of the first 6 or Clone Wars.

    It did not motivate me enough to watch 8 or 9, although I did watch Solo.

    I still do want to see Rogue One.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Florida -- the Punshine State.

    Rogue One works well as a stand alone story in the SW universe as well as a pre-cursor to ANH

    þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MOONDOG on Sunday, March 27, 2022 11:04:00
    I still do want to see Rogue One.

    Rogue One works well as a stand alone story in the SW universe as well as a pre-cursor to ANH

    I have heard that. Shortly after it came out, I had one SW fan (who I
    don't think cared much for 1-3) tell me that someone could watch Rogue One,
    and then the original three, and not really miss anything. As that was Disney's first SW movie, they had high hopes for the future ones.

    I have not kept in touch with them, but wonder if they still feel that way
    or not. :)


    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Dumas Walker on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 23:42:15
    On 3/26/22 07:42, Dumas Walker wrote:

    The last time I binged Star Wars, I watched the first three, the Clone Wars movie, and then the original three plus #7. Sort of like the first three
    are not on par with the original 3, #7 was not on par with any of the first
    6 or Clone Wars.

    It did not motivate me enough to watch 8 or 9, although I did watch Solo.

    I still do want to see Rogue One.

    Rogue One is definitely the best of the recent films... I would consider watching the Clone Wars series as well as the Rebels series. Rogue One
    is far from perfect, but still very good. It's really the only movie
    where Darth Vader actually looks terrifying on screen.
    Michael J. Ryan - tracker1@roughneckbbs.com
    þ Synchronet þ Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com